6. IPO Summary

The following table summarizes the key takeaways of the considered IPO structure. As we have mentioned at the beginning of this section, all the analyses in this section are implemented in the Online Tool "IPO Analytics."


  # Shares Issued 11.32                   # Shares Offered 5.66  
  + Greenshoe Shares 2.55                   Net Issue Price 17.67  
  Total # Shares Issued 13.86                   Net Proceeds 100.00  
  Net Issue Price 17.67                                                  
  Net Proceeds to Firm 245.00                   Remaining #  Shares 14.34  
                                                  Post-IPO Ownership 42.35%  
  Post-IPO # Shares 33.86                   Post-IPO Value 313.39  
  Post-IPO  Value 740.00                                                  
                          UNDERWRITING SYNDICATE                          
                          Net Purchase Price 17.67                          
                          Underwriter Discount 7.00%                          
                          Issue Price 19.00                          
                          # Shares Placed 19.52                          
                          IPO Net Proceeds 345.00                          
                          IPO Gross Proceeds 370.97                          
                          Fees Collected 25.97                          
                          PRIMARY INVESTORS                          
                          Issue Prive 19.00                          
                          Expected Underpricing 15.00%                          
                          Expected Post-IPO Price   21.85                          
                          # Shares Purchased 19.52                          
                          Post-IPO Ownership 57.65%                          
                          Market Value of Shares 426.61                          
                          Expected Gains 55.65                          


In a nutshell:

  • The firm issues 13.86 million shares to the underwriting syndicate at a price of $17.67 each and collects net proceeds of $245 million.
  • The existing shareholders sell 5.66 million shares to the underwriting syndicate at that price, for net proceeds of $100 million
  • The underwriting syndicate places the resulting 19.52 million shares at a price of $19.00 with the primary investors, so that the Gross Proceeds of the IPO amount to $370.97 million.
  • After the IPO, there will be 33.86 million shares outstanding and the expected market value of the firm's equity is $740 million. Consequently, the expected post-IPO stock price is $21.85.
    • The original shareholders will own 42.35% of the post-IPO shares (13.34 million shares), which will carry a total value of $313.39 million.
    • The new investors will own the remaining 57.65% of the post-IPO shares (19.52 million shares), which carry a total value of $426.6 million.


The table also clearly illustrates that an IPO is a rather expensive way to raise capital

  • The transaction generates $25.97 million in fees for the underwriting syndicate (7% of gross proceeds).
  • The transaction promises gains of $55.65 million to the primary investors (15% underpricing).
  • There are $5 million in direct costs.


The overall costs of the IPO therefore amount to $86.6 million or 23.35% of the IPO Gross Proceeds:


in Currency in % Gross Proceeds
Direct Cots 5.0 1.35%
Underwriter Discount 26.0 7.00%
Underpricing 55.6 15.00%
Total Costs 86.6 23.35%